It is a very long time since I attended a training event that inspired me and continues to make me think about how I do my job. I thought the presentation was clear, direct and extremely powerful. The exercises you engaged us in did the job of demonstrating the issues you raised so eloquently. I […]
Manchester metropolitan university
The whole session was valuable in that we were able to understand CSE from a survivor’s perspective. It helped me to adjust my understanding and thinking process with regards to CSE.Social work BA student
Bordesely Green Girls School
I have to say the workshop was one the most impressive workshops myself and the Head Teacher have witnessed. Your journey has been inspiring, you left an indelible impact on our students.Rubina Jan, KS4 Pastoral Manager
“It was the most impressive day I’ve seen, and everyone got a huge amount out of it – staff and students. Your facilitators were outstanding, and the exercises brilliant.”Chris Hemsley, Principal Practice Tutor
Judicial College
“REIGN gave a presentation for us at the Judicial college and were incredible. We all now feel so much more informed and able to understand the effect our decisions have on young people.”HHJ Andrew Berkley